/* * Common.c * Libreswan * * Created by Jose Quaresma on 8/7/09. * Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */ #include "Common.h" /* I originally generated the "SampleAuthorizationPrompts.strings" file by running the following command in Terminal. genstrings doesn't notice that the CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle is commented out, which is good for my purposes. $ genstrings SampleCommon.c -o en.lproj CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("GetUIDsPrompt"), "SampleAuthorizationPrompts", b, "prompt included in authorization dialog for the GetUIDs command") CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("LowNumberedPortsPrompt"), "SampleAuthorizationPrompts", b, "prompt included in authorization dialog for the LowNumberedPorts command") */ /* IMPORTANT --------- This array must be exactly parallel to the kSampleCommandProcs array in "SampleTool.c". */ const BASCommandSpec kCommandSet[] = { { kConnectCommand, // commandName kConnectRightName, // rightName "default", // rightDefaultRule -- by default, you have to have admin credentials (see the "default" rule in the authorization policy database, currently "/etc/authorization") "ConnectPrompt", // rightDescriptionKey -- key for custom prompt in "SampleAuthorizationPrompts.strings NULL // userData }, { NULL, // the array is null terminated NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } };