Packaging info for libreswan --------------------------- libreswan has replaced the freeswan package that was present on previous versions of SUSE Linux Professional and Enterprise Server. SUSE had been applying many patches to enhance the functionality of FreeS/WAN; many of them came from SuperFreeS/WAN which was an enhanced version of FreeS/WAN and the predecessor of OpenS/WAN. So, with libreswan, SUSE had only to add a few patches on top of libreswan: - MSL2TP workaround - startup scripts ... integrated into SUSE Linux - Avoid trouble with bonded interfaces (ignore slaves) - build fixes (64bit, no klips, ...) Firewalling with 2.6 kernel IPsec --------------------------------- In former times (2.4 kernel with KLIPS module), the use could use firewall rules that were matching only network packets received to sent via ipsec by specifying the interface ipsecX. This interface does not exist any more with the in-kernel implementation of IPsec support in kernel 2.6. To allow filtering specifically for IPsec packets, a new netfilter policy module has been created. To find out about it, enter ipsec -m policy --help You can match IPsec/non-IPsec traffic (--pol ipsec/none) by direction (in/out), protocol (esp/ah/ipcomp), mode (tunnel/transport), ... and do whatever you want with the matching packets (ACCEPT, DROP, ...) Here's an example that rejects all incoming packets from the interface $WLAN_IF that is are not IPsec ESP packets. iptables -A FORWARD -i $WLAN_IF -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -i $WLAN_IF -j LOG --log-prefix "NonESP: " iptables -A FORWARD -i $WLAN_IF -j DROP Your Novell/SUSE team.