s/^pluto\[[0-9]*\]: /pluto[PID]: / s=^\(pluto\[PID\]: Starting Pluto (Libreswan Version \).*)=\1VERSION)= s/^\(Starting Pluto (Libreswan Version \).*$/\1)/ /Using KLIPS IPsec interface code/d s/started helper pid=.* (fd:.*)/started helper pid=999 (fd:9)/ s/Plutorun started on .*/Plutorun started on DATE/ s/@(#) built on .* .* .* by .*@.*/@(#) built on DATE by PERSON/ s/\(received Delete SA\)(0x.*)\( payload: deleting IPSEC State #\).*/\1(0xSPI1SPI1)\2NUM/ /ERROR: asynchronous network error report/d /byte . of ISAKMP Hash Payload must be zero, but is not/d /next payload type of ISAKMP Hash Payload has an unknown value: /d /extra debugging enabled for connection:/d # s/^000 SElinux=.*/000 SElinux=XXXXX/