Electric Fence 2.1 Copyright (C) 1987-1998 Bruce Perens. | interface "eth0" matched right side ../refineconnection added connection description "westnet-eastnet" | base debugging = crypt+control+controlmore Pre-amble: #!-pluto-whack-file- recorded on east on 2007-07-01 00:48:03 ../refineconnection listening for IKE messages ../refineconnection listening for IKE messages | refine_connection: starting with westnet-eastnet | match_id a=@west | b=@west | results matched | trusted_ca called with a=(empty) b=(empty) | refine_connection: checking westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, best=(none) with match=1(id=1/ca=1/reqca=1) | refine_connection: checked westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, now for see if best | refine_connection: starting with westnet-eastnet | match_id a=@west | b=@west | results matched | trusted_ca called with a=(empty) b=(empty) | refine_connection: checking westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, best=(none) with match=1(id=1/ca=1/reqca=1) | refine_connection: checked westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, now for see if best | refine_connection: starting with westnet-eastnet | match_id a=@west | b=@west | results matched | trusted_ca called with a=(empty) b=(empty) | refine_connection: checking westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, best=(none) with match=1(id=1/ca=1/reqca=1) | find_host_pair: comparing to | find_host_pair_conn (refine_host_connection): %any:500 -> hp:none | refine_connection: starting with westnet-eastnet | match_id a=@west | b=@west | results matched | trusted_ca called with a=(empty) b=(empty) | refine_connection: checking westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, best=(none) with match=1(id=1/ca=1/reqca=1) | find_host_pair: comparing to | find_host_pair_conn (refine_host_connection): %any:500 -> hp:none | refine_connection: starting with westnet-eastnet | match_id a=@east | b=@west | results fail | trusted_ca called with a=(empty) b=(empty) | refine_connection: checking westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, best=(none) with match=0(id=0/ca=1/reqca=1) | find_host_pair: comparing to | find_host_pair_conn (refine_host_connection): %any:500 -> hp:none | refine_connection: starting with westnet-eastnet | match_id a=@east | b=@west | results fail | trusted_ca called with a=(empty) b=(empty) | refine_connection: checking westnet-eastnet against westnet-eastnet, best=(none) with match=0(id=0/ca=1/reqca=1) | find_host_pair: comparing to | find_host_pair_conn (refine_host_connection): %any:500 -> hp:none ../refineconnection leak: 6 * struct state in new_state() ../refineconnection leak: myid string ../refineconnection leak: my FQDN ../refineconnection leak: host_pair ../refineconnection leak: host ip ../refineconnection leak: keep id name ../refineconnection leak: host ip ../refineconnection leak: keep id name ../refineconnection leak: connection name ../refineconnection leak: struct connection ../refineconnection leak: policies path ../refineconnection leak: ocspcerts path ../refineconnection leak: aacerts path ../refineconnection leak: certs path ../refineconnection leak: private path ../refineconnection leak: crls path ../refineconnection leak: cacert path ../refineconnection leak: acert path ../refineconnection leak: 7 * default conf 1: @west -> conn: westnet-eastnet 2: @west -> conn: westnet-eastnet 3: @west -> conn: 4: @west -> conn: 5: @east -> conn: 6: @east -> conn: