/testing/guestbin/swan-prep --x509 Preparing X.509 files north # # make sure that clear text does not get through north # iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -s -j LOGDROP north # # confirm with a ping north # ping -c 4 -n -I PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time XXXX north # ipsec setup start [ 00.00] registered KLIPS /proc/sys/net [ 00.00] ipsec_3des_init(alg_type=15 alg_id=3 name=3des): ret=0 [ 00.00] KLIPS cryptoapi interface: alg_type=15 alg_id=12 name=cbc(aes) keyminbits=128 keymaxbits=256, found(0) [ 00.00] KLIPS cryptoapi interface: alg_type=15 alg_id=253 name=cbc(twofish) keyminbits=128 keymaxbits=256, found(0) [ 00.00] KLIPS cryptoapi interface: alg_type=15 alg_id=252 name=cbc(serpent) keyminbits=128 keymaxbits=256, found(0) [ 00.00] KLIPS cryptoapi interface: alg_type=15 alg_id=6 name=cbc(cast5) keyminbits=128 keymaxbits=128, found(0) [ 00.00] KLIPS cryptoapi interface: alg_type=15 alg_id=3 name=cbc(des3_ede) keyminbits=192 keymaxbits=192, found(0) [ 00.00] KLIPS: lookup for ciphername=cipher_null: not found [ 00.00] Redirecting to: systemctl start ipsec.service [ 00.00] north # /testing/pluto/bin/wait-until-pluto-started north # ipsec auto --add northnet-eastnet-nat 002 added connection description "northnet-eastnet-nat" north # echo "initdone" initdone north # ipsec auto --up northnet-eastnet-nat 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: initiating Main Mode 104 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: STATE_MAIN_I1: initiate 003 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection] 003 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: received Vendor ID payload [FRAGMENTATION] 003 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: enabling possible NAT-traversal with method RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal) 106 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: STATE_MAIN_I2: sent MI2, expecting MR2 003 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal) sender port 500: I am behind NAT 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: I am sending my cert 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: I am sending a certificate request 108 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: STATE_MAIN_I3: sent MI3, expecting MR3 003 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: received Vendor ID payload [CAN-IKEv2] 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: Main mode peer ID is ID_DER_ASN1_DN: 'C=ca, ST=Ontario, O=Libreswan, OU=Test Department, CN=east.testing.libreswan.org, E=testing@libreswan.org' 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: no crl from issuer "C=ca, ST=Ontario, L=Toronto, O=Libreswan, OU=Test Department, CN=Libreswan test CA for mainca, E=testing@libreswan.org" found (strict=no) 004 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: STATE_MAIN_I4: ISAKMP SA established {auth=RSA_SIG cipher=aes_256 integ=sha group=MODP2048} 002 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #2: initiating Quick Mode RSASIG+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+PFS+UP+IKEV2_ALLOW+SAREF_TRACK+IKE_FRAG_ALLOW 117 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate 004 "northnet-eastnet-nat" #2: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel mode {ESP/NAT=>0xESPESP <0xESPESP xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none NATD=none DPD=passive} north # ping -c 3 -I PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.XXX ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.XXX ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.XXX ms --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time XXXX rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.XXX/0.XXX/0.XXX/0.XXX ms north # echo done done north # north # grep 'Result using RFC 3947' /tmp/pluto.log "northnet-eastnet-nat" #1: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal) sender port 500: I am behind NAT north # if [ -n "`ls /tmp/core* 2>/dev/null`" ]; then echo CORE FOUND; mv /tmp/core* OUTPUT/; fi north # if [ -f /sbin/ausearch ]; then ausearch -r -m avc -ts recent ; fi