Summary: An authoritative DNS daemon Name: knot Version: 1.1.2 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPLv3+ Group: System Environment/Daemons URL: Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: %{name}.service Source2: %{name}.conf BuildRequires: flex userspace-rcu-devel openssl-devel BuildRequires: bison systemd-units libcap-ng-devel BuildRequires: texinfo Requires(post): systemd-units info Requires(preun): systemd-units info Requires(postun): systemd-units %description KNOT DNS is a high-performance authoritative DNS server implementation. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} %build CFLAGS="%{optflags} -lgcc_eh" CXXFLAGS="%{optflags} -lgcc_eh" \ ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} \ --localstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir}/%{name} make %{?_smp_mflags} %install make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} rm %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/info/dir install -d %{buildroot}/%{_sharedstatedir}/%{name} install -d %{buildroot}/%{_unitdir} install -p -m644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service install -p -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.conf %pre getent group knot >/dev/null || groupadd -r knot getent passwd knot >/dev/null || \ useradd -r -g knot -d %{_sysconfdir}/knot -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "Knot DNS server" knot exit 0 %post /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/%{name}.info %{_infodir}/dir || : if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then # Initial installation /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi %preun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # run before a package is removed /bin/systemctl --no-reload disable %{name}.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : /bin/systemctl stop %{name}.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/%{name}.info %{_infodir}/dir || : fi %postun /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then # run after a package is removed /bin/systemctl try-restart %{name}.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi %files %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %attr(750,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.conf %exclude %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/ %exclude %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/knot.sample.conf %{_sbindir}/* %{_libexecdir}/%{name} %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/unittests* %{_mandir}/man8/%{name}*.8* %{_mandir}/man5/%{name}*.5* %{_unitdir}/%{name}.service %dir %{_sharedstatedir}/%{name} %doc COPYING AUTHORS RELNOTES KNOWN_ISSUES README %doc samples/ samples/ samples/knot.full.conf %doc samples/ samples/ samples/knot.min.conf %doc %{_infodir}/ %changelog * Thu Nov 22 2012 Ondřej Surý - 1.1.2-1 - Update to 1.1.2 * Wed Nov 7 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.1.1-1 - Fixed build problem - Update to 1.1.1 - Add man5 directory - Add to infodir * Mon Aug 27 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.1.0-1 - Update to 1.1.0-rc2 - Fix default knot.conf - Add build dependency to texinfo * Fri May 15 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.0.6-2 - Try to fix compilation problem on some systems - force add -lgcc_eh to gcc flags * Wed May 13 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.0.6-1 - Update to versio 1.0.6 - Change attrs to 750 on /etc/knot - only for root (knot configuration can contain DNS keys for zone updates) - Clean content in /etc/knot * Thu May 1 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.0.5-1 - Update to version 1.0.5 * Wed Apr 18 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.0.3-1 - Fixed knot directory ownership. - Update to version 1.0.3 - Merget changes from Paul Wouters - Removed unnecessary commands pro %%post script - Add knot user - More configuration samples in /usr/share/doc/knot * Thu Mar 1 2012 Stanislav Petr - 1.0.0-4 - Update to upstream version 1.0.0 - Fix %%{_sharedstatedir} usage in .spec. - Fix file and directories ownership - Fix service upgrade in postun in rpm. - Do not install unittests. * Wed Jan 25 2012 Stanislav Petr - 0.9.1-3 - Update to upstream version 0.9.1 * Mon Dec 12 2011 Stanislav Petr - 0.8.1-3 - Add docs (COPYING AUTHORS RELNOTES KNOWN_ISSUES) - Update rpm building options. Use %%{_sharedstatedir} instead of %%{_var}/lib, dafault value for %%{buildroot} path - Remove ldconfig from post and postun in rpm. - Update licence to GPLv3+ * Wed Dec 07 2011 Stanislav Petr - 0.8.1-2 - RPM build fix * Mon Dec 05 2011 Stanislav Petr - 0.8.1-1 - Create